Submit An Article

Rules For Article/Content Submission

If you have some content or an article you’d like to have posted on, the form below is the place to do it. Please make sure you’re as complete with the information as possible.

Pay Attention: There are a series of simple rules that your submitted content needs to follow before submission. Not meeting all of the criteria below will result in your content not being published. Before submitting, please check the following to make sure your article submission accurately follows all of the guidelines below:

  • You NEED to read, understand, and accept our disclaimer about the information contained in your article that is being submitted to You may also click here to see the disclaimer page.
  • The content needs to be a minimum of 1,000 words. No exceptions.
  • Please submit your article with HTML markup already included.
  • Please DO NOT add a
    < h1 > “heading tag” in your mark-up, at all. The
    tag is controlled by the page title automatically. Adding an < h1 > tag to your submitted article may also cause the entire article to be dismissed.
  • Please DO NOT add any
    < div >
    tags. Adding a
    < div > tag to your submitted article will be removed. It may also cause the entire article to be dismissed.
  • Please include a title to your article.
  • You must include at least 1 –
    < h2 > heading tag somewhere in the middle of your article as a topic/sub-topic header.
  • Please, please, PLEASE use correct and proper grammar. Use spellcheck or have someone proofread it. This is so important! Poor grammar will be cause for denial of approval or it may also cause the entire article to be dismissed.
  • No more than 2 backlinks may be used in your article.
  • The article must be completely original. No copied or already published content may be used unless you cite the original source via a link.
  • You are required to submit an image that goes along with your article topic.
    • The maximum size of the image file is 3 MB.
    • The maximum pixel size of any submitted image is 600 px height by 600 px width. Images not following this size standard will be rejected.
    • You are only allowed a maximum of 2 images in your article. The image you upload will be used as the featured image. Make sure your 2nd image does not exceed the size limit.
    • The preferred image types are .jpg or .png
  • The biggest success of this article/blog post is going to be based on how many people will find it helpful and share the information. Remember that this should be shared via social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc…). We also STRONGLY encourage you to build your own links to the article on once it has been posted. We highly encourage you to use the social sharing links contained in each article for sharing.

Once the article has been submitted, it will be reviewed and potentially posted within 5 business days. Please check back for the link and feel free to promote as you see fit.


*We reserve the right to make minor edits or adjustments to the content or images to fit the style and type of this article site as we deem necessary.

One advantage of this SEO article directory is ongoing link building. This will build and enhance domain authority, trust authority, and overall value.

All articles approved and published on will be permanent.

**If you’re interested in a long-term home page link, please contact us for cost and terms.

Thank you!

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